Monday, September 27, 2010

The Smart and Effective Way to Connect with your Kids Today

Children don't come with instructions when they are born. They are unique, little people who seem to depend on you for everything. And boy do they. From birth to 18 months, parents seem to have the hardest time. It's the time when we are walking on egg shells, trying to figure our little ones out. They look at us, but can't say a word. But I know what they may be thinking. "OK, parents, maybe I can't talk, but I still can communicate. Can't you read the signs? Read between the lines?"

All the while, we are thinking, "Hey little one, you've got to say something soon. I can't take much more of this game of charades". My children are teens and I still feel this way sometimes. They are so independent and want to grow up so quickly. With that independence comes sign language, foreign language and grey hairs. (Yes, I have a few)

So, what is the smart and effective way to connect with your kids today?
  • Listen to them. That's right! Stop, look and listen to them.
  • Show them that you are human. You're not supermom/dad. You're human and you make mistakes. Just quickly correct them, to be their example or they will surely call you on it. Don't give them that, "do what I say, not what I do", line.
  • Stay in their lives, but not on top of them. Don't smother them by being overly protective. Be protective, but don't overkill. This could actually backfire.
  • Prepare them for their future. That should be one of the top goals a parent has. You have a little person in your life for whom you are responsible. Teach them that life is about living and learning; then show them how to do it.
I had to learn some hard lessons in child rearing. I am still learning, but so are they. If you learned something from your parents that was inaccurate, then don't blame them, just change it. Your children are in a whole new day and time,where things change. But good morals and strong family values should not.

Well, I'm signing off. But before I go, I want you to remember these words. "Kids are people, too". Until next time, take care of yourself, and yourself will take care of you.

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