Saturday, January 19, 2013

Checking In...Update: Jan 19, 2013

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It's an early Saturday morning, and I've been up since 4am. (I just can't seem to get with the "sleep-inners" anymore). In fact, it's been awhile since I actually "slept in". My kids are all grown up, but I think I'm suffering from "work-week routine" syndrome.

I get up at 4am every day, and it seems that my body's biological clock has been linked to 4am. It won't let me sleep in, no matter how hard I try.

So today, I'm going to catch up on some reading; books and emails, have some tea, watch a Lifetime Movie and pull out those old VHS &  DVD tapes I haven't seen for awhile.
I also plan to spend some quality time with my family, and rejuvenate my spirit, with some quality time in my "prayer closet".

I figure, just because I can't adjust my biological clock, I can still adjust what I do with the time. I can learn to relax, and ax the "work-week schedule". Just as Garfield says, "Relax, It's the Weekend". And I'm taking that good advice.

Well, that's today's update in Sarah Kim's Days in the Life of A Mompreneur. My daughter is editing a fun-family "photo/video show". I'll be uploading the video to my YouTube page, SarahKimMompreneur, soon.

Thanks for blogging with me. Have a happy weekend! Until next time, LIVE life!