Thursday, September 27, 2012

5 Most Neglected Daily/Weekly Tasks of Running a Home Office

It's easy to get caught up in doing all the "home tasks", and neglect your home office/business. 5 Things You Should do, to keep your home office running smoothly:

1. Plan for the next day

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Planning is the the first essential step for success. I usually plan a week and a month a head, as well as yearly planning. Then, each day, I plan for the immediate day ahead. It is important for you to choose the tool that will help you keep track of your plans, so that you can easily implement them.
You could use a daily planner, a calendar, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet  or checklist. There are even great apps on smartphones that can be downloaded. Whichever works for you, use it.

2. Clear the desk

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OK, how many times a week do many of us look like this? I know, we've heard this a million times; Clear your desk. Do you see the woman's persona and bodily expression, in the image? What is her body language saying to you?

To me, she seems uncomfortable, frustrated, and almost at the end of her wits; possibly near nervous breakdown. Does it really have to be this way? No. Each day can be a comfortable and productive day in the office, by simply clearing your desk. You'll be more at ease when you don't have to stare at a pile of disorganized papers. You'll also have more room to manuever, and you won't lose your mind, when you can't find what you are looking for. Your productivity and time management will drastically increase and change.

3. Purge and File Paperwork

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This next step actually coincides with clearing your desk. If you can file a piece of paperwork away immediately, that would be great. This is the recommended thing to do. File it away in the perspective folders   in your file cabinet you have already set up. Or schedule a specific day to file paperwork, but place them in a holding folder, neatly organized. (Remember, clear desks are organized, but not necessarily empty). You can have a file holder on your desk, which holds your paperwork neatly, and keeps it organized.

4. Read emails
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You've got mail, and these days, we get lots of it. We have to face it. We've definitely become the digital age. I love the speed and resourcefulness of emails. But I have found that reading them can get pretty time consuming. Plan a time to read your email. Schedule a block of your day to read your emails. Neglecting this task can be costly, in time later.

5.Review Plans for the Day
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You've planned. You've implemented. Now finally, you need to review. At the end of each day, you should review what you have accomplished. This will:

  • Help you plan for the next day-For example, if there's something you really couldn't finish or if you need to break a task into parts and turn it into a project, then you will be able to plan by reviewing
  • Help you "see" your successful road map, day by day. You will feel accomplished, and will be successful, as you put your plan into action. Seeing that accomplishment will motivate you to continue down a path of success.

Another note on planning: Be sure to plan time off, and vacations. You don't want to burn out. Rejuvenating in between hard work, is the real key to success. I wish you all the best in your daily endeavors. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to add your comments or questions below.

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